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Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Lovecraft: The Shadow Out of Time

by H. P. Lovecraft

Free Online Text

“Primal myth and modern delusion joined in their assumption that mankind is only one—perhaps the least—of the highly evolved and dominant races of this planet’s long and largely unknown career. Things of inconceivable shape, they implied, had reared towers to the sky and delved into every secret of Nature before the first amphibian forbear of man had crawled out of the hot sea three hundred million years ago. Some had come down from the stars; a few were as old as the cosmos itself; others had arisen swiftly from terrene germs as far behind the first germs of our life-cycle as those germs are behind ourselves. Spans of thousands of millions of years, and linkages with other galaxies and universes, were freely spoken of. Indeed, there was no such thing as time in its humanly accepted sense.”

Probably the best of Lovecraft’s science fiction stories. Its tone, its flair, its literary panache keeps a reader gripped throughout the entire tale. It is an amazing mystery with a twist that you will never see coming. It is quite ingenious and original for its time at least. Yet, despite it’s brilliant crafting, the story has never been developed much into other mediums, except as a radio drama.

The story concerns a young man who loses five years of his life. He goes to sleep one night, only to wake up and find himself half a decade later. His wife has divorced him and his children refuse to see him. During his subsequent investigation of the past, he discovers that someone had taken possession of his body traveled all over the world, met strange people, and collected many obscure tomes - including the dreaded Necronomicon. Eventually his search leads him to a startling conclusion.

This story introduces my favorite of the Cthulhu races, The Great Race of Yith. An intelligent race that died out in the various millennia that makes up Earth’s pre-history before the dawn of man. This is the earliest of these recorded intelligent races, predating the Elder Things by millions of years. They are capable of projecting their minds through time to the future and past into the brains of other sentient beings and swap consciousnesses. This is how they gather their vast repertoire of information. Eventually the entire race travels through time as their civilization is about to be destroyed by a race of flying polyp creatures from another planet. They eventually inhabit the race which will inherit the Earth after mankind has gone extinct.
The Great Race of Yith
The Great Race, it is hinted, may be the actual writers of the Pnakotic Manuscripts- a series of tablets which predate humanity. In my mind, I still believe the Elder Things to be the ones who wrote these particular pieces of forbidden lore. This is simply due to the fact that the manuscripts make references to the Outer Gods and Azathoth, which the Elder Things are known to worship.

As I said above, there is almost thing done with this story in other mediums, so I will include an audio version of the story below. Enjoy and Caveat Emptor.
For more readings, try books by Rex Hurst. 

Audiobook Version of the Story

Radio Drama of the Story

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