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Wednesday, October 10, 2018

1 Month 2 Live (Superhero) (Graphic Novel)

by Rick Remender, John Ostrander, Stuart Moore, Rob Williams, Andrea Mutti, & Koi Turnbull

Publisher: Marvel (January 12, 2011) 

Hardcover, 128 pages

A bittersweet story from the Marvel universe about a man who tries to stop a mugging, is forced to eat toxic medical waste, and gains superpowers - don't think about it too much, just let it go. Written by a host of classic authors, each issue grabs the reader, offers a different villain, and does not hold back. Something that sadly missing in the modern Marvel lineup.
As it turns out, his new powers exacerbates an undiagnosed cancer lying in his stomach, causing it to grow at an incredible rate. Mr. Fantastic gives him only a month to live. In that time, this once depressed man in a boring life suddenly gets kicked into the land of superheroes. With his new powers to affect matter he defeats gangsters with Spiderman, saves the Galaxy against Ego, the Living Planet, and travels into the depths of the Savage Land with Ka-Zar.  All the while the cancer chews him up more with every power expenditure.
The action is counterpointed by a man coming to grips that his life us going to end. He has to weight that against taking care of his orphaned niece who's own Father died of cancer. It's an over the top story with a heart and tragic ending, but still one that inspires hope. Perhaps written in the best tradition of the old school comics. It makes a point but isn't preachy.  
For more readings, try books by Rex Hurst. 

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