by Goran Parlov (Illustrator), Garth Ennis (Contributor)
Publisher : Marvel; First Edition (December 19,
Softcover, 144 pages
A minor entry into the Marvel Max imprint which was a
late response to D.C.’s very successful Vertigo imprint. It was designed for
“adults-only readership” which, when translated into plain English, meant it
only ramped up the sex, swearing, and violence. Unlike its competitor’s line,
most of these imprints took existing Marvel characters and added
ultra-violence. While some of them immediately leant itself to this treatment
ex: The Punisher. While a few others
didn’t work so well - The Rawhide Kid
- though I must admit I loved the Howard
the Duck series, absolute weirdness at its best. Fury: My War Gone By like The
Punisher lends itself to the Max treatment.
This is not the over-the-top violent ridiculousness of
a lot of Ennis’ work, but a straight up sober war story. An old fashioned book
even, harkening back to E.C.’s Frontline Combat, Warren’s Publishing Blazing
Combat, and even Charlie’s War from Battle Picture Weekly. It doesn’t glamorize
combat, nor does it openly condemn violence. It is a neutral observer looking
on armed combat as a fact of life for humanity, and amorally accepting that his
side needs to win, because they might not be perfect, but the other side is
even worse. Grim and well researched, this is worth a serious look.
For more readings, try books by Rex Hurst
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