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Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The Amazing Cynicalman Vol. II (Graphic Novel)

By Matt Feazell

Publisher: Not Available Books (2013)

Softcover, 153 pages

Finished 2/13/2018

Publisher's Site Listing

I found this under a pile of books in a comic shop in Charlotte, N.C. and it took me quite back. I’ve run across Cynicalman and his counterpart Antisocialman before. Most notably as a feature in a one-shot indie comic called Czar Chasm. It caught my eye because the cartoonist seemed to be doing the exact opposite of everyone else in the story, putting his best foot forward. Among the various comic art styles was this little stick figure story, an exercise in absolute minimalism, that succeeded more than any of the others, as it was the only strip I can remember (with the exception of Geriatric Man).

Feazell’s work has been mentioned in Scott Morse’s Understanding Comics and features on his chart of artistic styles as the iconic elements taken to the most extreme degree. I used to constantly run across his work in mini-comic form (most of which are impossible to get) in various comic convention, but now he has completely migrated to the web.
As for the actual content, the strips in this book are done in a daily strip format with a set-up and punchline ala Beetle Bailey or what-have-you. Most surround Cynicalman as he works for the Board of Superheroes and the various odd characters that inhabit the stick-figure world: Lizard Girl, Captain Videotape, Stupid Boy, etc. As for the content, it ranges from the amusing at best, to the groan inducing pun at worst. I enjoyed his work more when there was a longer story attached, it seemed more in line with his particular talents. Some of these strips are painful.

The art? What can I tell you, its stick figures. You either can accept it or don’t read. I will say Feazell is the master of giving stick figure characters personality with only a squiggle or a slanted line. Also in 2012, he produced a 90 minute live-action film based around the Cynicalman comic. I have not idea if it’s any good, but I’m including the trailer on Youtube for those who are interested.

I’m not including the Amazon listing for this one as the prices on it are ridiculous. The author’s direct website has much more reasonable rates for the products, plus new strips if you just want to browse. 

           For more readings, try books by Rex Hurst. 

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